Monday, September 19, 2005

Nicknames, Part I

Carrot and I go by a lot of names around here, and I'm not sure why. It's not like we can come up with spoken names that aren't "Meow."

Who could be making up all of these names? Ah yes, Nolan and Jane. In honor of their addiction to naming, I'll be creating a short series of posts discussing our kitty nicknames. This week, I'll do Carrot (no, that doesn't mean the next post will be next week. Or even next month).

Carrot's Nicknames

Domino - I'm not sure where this one came from, given that she has nothing to do with dominos. Crazy humans.

Dominoo - Genius. Tack another "O" on, and you have the most creative nickname ever. Rhymes with "poo."

Dominater - Evidently Nolan felt the need to give Carrot's nickname a little more punch. Unfortunately, he failed.

Dominut - I actually like this one, since it implies nuttiness. Which Carrot embodies.

Dominutter - The marriage of "Dominater" and "Dominut." They're getting an annulment.

Bitty - An abbreviation of "Itty Bitty Kitty." A better abbreviation would have been silence.

Muffin-butt - I've never actually heard this one, but Jane claims she has used it on Carrot. Why anyone would admit to this is a mystery.

Well, that's it for now. See you in December (or whenever).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Potato--publish or perish

8:44 AM  

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